CM policy for for svnbook 1.5 translations

C. Michael Pilato cmpilato at
Wed Sep 17 09:02:49 CDT 2008

Jens M. Felderhoff wrote:
> The English version of the SVN book 1.5 is finalized and tagged.
> However, translations are still in progress.
> Should the translations for 1.5 continue on language-specific branches
> or should there be a seamless transition to 1.6?

I've never really understood how the translation teams have worked.  Do they
chase HEAD at all times?  Do they try to complete the latest tagged version
first?  I have no idea.  But at any rate, I think this is a decision the
individual teams should be allowed to make for themselves.  If you guys
wanna finish up a complete 1.5 translation, you can do so on the trunk or on
a branch -- the Subversion version that the English book is tracking on a
given branch needn't dictate what the other languages do.

C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato at> |

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