R: Moving svnbook repository [and tracker [and wiki [and discussion]]] to Google Code

C. Michael Pilato cmpilato at red-bean.com
Thu Sep 25 09:49:48 CDT 2008

Ben Collins-Sussman wrote:
> Er, um, sure... but that means each person would need to make a new
> google account (associated with the existing email address).  And
> that's not what everyone necessarily wants to do.  For example, I have
> no interest creating a new 'sussman at red-bean.com' google account;  I'd
> rather use my existing sussman at gmail.com account to commit.  There
> must be a nice process hiding in here somewhere...

Yes.  I believe its, "Hey, effective <day-of-migration> nobody has commit 
access unless they email me from their COMMITTERS email address to inform me 
of which Google account they wanna participate with."

C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato at red-bean.com> | http://cmpilato.blogspot.com/

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