French translation

C. Michael Pilato cmpilato at
Fri Sep 25 12:35:11 CDT 2009

Sub Versif wrote:
> Indeed, I'm happy to report that one of the attempts to get a French
> translation going has finally taken off !


> Now, we'd like to move this to Docbook format and make it available in
> html and pdf, along with the other translations, from the subversion
> book website, if that's possible.
> Could there be a fr folder created in the google code repository ?


> What are the requirements to get write permission to it ?

Reply to this message with the GoogleCode usernames you'd like added as
project members.  I or someone else should be able to take care of that.

> Short term goal would be to finish the 1.5 version (which will require
> adding text formatting, translating pictures, and completing chapter 9).
> Then, merge in all changes, and follow the releases path, starting with 1.6.
> A couple more questions :
> - would anybody have a suggestion for a good docbook editor for Ubuntu
> 9.04 (better than jedit) ?

*Shrug*  Emacs works fine for me.  :-)  Are you familiar with the build
processes that the other translations use?  Will that work out for your
translation, too?

> - I could not find the source files for the pictures of figures used in
> the book, except some (but not all) xcf files in the norwegian (nb)
> folder. Are the master files stored in a specific location ?

Unfortunately, we don't have the sources for the nice-looking images.  Those
were done by O'Reilly and donated back as raster images only.  It be really
cool if we could reconstruct that work in new SVG images, though.

C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato at> |

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