svnbook navigation

tre at tre at
Thu Jul 1 01:56:54 CDT 2010


Thanks a lot for a very nice book. I have solved many of my problems with the help of this book. But I have a little suggestion that would help a little in navigating between pages. You have put the "home" and "up" buttons at the end of the page. It is true that I could use my  browsers  short cuts to handle this problem or even my mackbooks scripts but still  I would appreciate to have those buttons on the upper bar also.
Then another  improvement would be a more comprehensive list of the attributes for each command. For example svn update command instructions on page does not list the --non-interactive as one of the attributes. I have found also similar absence of attributes in other command reference pages.
But don't think I'm dissatisfied, I'm very happy to be able use this book and the more as it improves.

greetings Tapio

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