I could not read Subversion of the Japansese document.

C. Michael Pilato cmpilato at red-bean.com
Fri Jul 8 08:14:16 CDT 2011

On 07/08/2011 12:02 AM, Tomohiro Murase wrote:
> Dear web site administrator,
> I am trying to read Subversion Japanese document, which is linked from
> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/index.ja.html
> Actually it said, "This translation is not official".  So could be no
> problem though.
> Best Regards,
> Murase

Yes, the connection to the server which hosts (used to host?) the Japanese
translation times out for me, too.  I've cc:ed the only person listed in the
COMMITTERS file as a contributor to that translation -- maybe this is a
temporary problem?

C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato at red-bean.com> | http://cmpilato.blogspot.com/

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