A. Peter Olson, Jr.

I am computer and network administrator, and sing in several choirs. I live in Oak Park with my wife and dog.

Take a look at my public photos on Picasaweb.

Email: username "polson" in domain "red-bean.com"

GPG key can be found here.


I have been working mainly with Windows server administration, secure remote access technologies, and networking. You can read my resume and learn more about what I do for a living. I currently work for Alcatel-Lucent in the Wordwide Services business group, where I support the people who support the customer.

I am responsible for connecting Alcatel-Lucent to our customers for technical support during the installation, deployment and maintenance phase of wireless and Integrated Messaging Services VoIP offers.


I am active musician, singing and playing the cello since 4th grade.

My main musical outlet has been singing in various choirs as a bass/baritone including the Chicago Chorale and previously Rockefeller Chapel Choir. I have studied with and learned a great deal from Luther College graduates, including Robert Boyd, Rebecca Moan, and Bruce Tammen. I met my wife Mary singing in Chicago Chorale. I also sing with Mary's group Triskelion at most Sunday masses and holy days at the Monastery of the Holy Cross with friend tenor and current prior Fr. Peter Funk.


Mary and I married in July 2006, and are making our home together in Oak Park. We enjoy each others friends, typically sharing meals with both groups weekly. We are both oblates of St. Benedict, who try to follow the Rule of St. Benedict in everyday life. Perhaps that is why I like to play clerics so much?

I am a recumbent bicycle rider, and look forward to the day when I can cycle commute every day again. Unfortunately, twenty-five miles is bit too far for a regular commuter like me. If the Twike were to become affordable, it would be great way to stay in shape getting to work.

When the weather turns nice, and the days get longer, I fly radio controlled airplanes with my father in Palos Hills.

I am humbled and amazed by my friends, who get together for TV, role-playing games and camping periodically.

  • Learning the Bach Jesu mein Freude motet and St. Matthew's Passion.
  • Teaching myself to bake yeast breads. Sour dough! Let me know if you want some starter. I have always loved the smell and flavor of freshly baked bread. I have a memory of eating some bread right from the woodfired oven at the mission of San Luis Abispo, and I would love to be able to share that with more people.
  • Audio blogging a cooking segment
  • DePaul TDC 477 Network Security class