thoughts on ch 3

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Fri Aug 5 09:14:49 CDT 2005

On Fri, 5 Aug 2005, Shatzer, Larry wrote:

> In the HACKING file, it specifies:
> - Always use long Subversion commands (e.g. "checkout", not "co", etc)
> Which I agree with, since it makes it consistent across the board.
> The appendix gives the aliases and shortcuts they can use if they
> wish to.

does this apply to options as well?  as an example, on:


we have an example box containing:

$ svn log --revision 5:19    # shows logs 5 through 19 in chronological order

$ svn log -r 19:5            # shows logs 5 through 19 in reverse order

$ svn log -r 8               # shows log for revision 8

  should options always be spelled out in full in the literature?
just curious.


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