Error in SVN book, chapter 7: "Using external differencing tools"

Santeri Paavolainen santeri.paavolainen at
Mon Jun 5 08:13:55 CDT 2006


"Finally, Subversion expects that your program return an errorcode of 0
if your program detected differences, or 1 if it did not?-- any other
errorcode is considered a fatal error. [41]"

Yet the footnote [41] and examples show exactly the opposite returnin an
errorcode of 0 when *no* differences were detected and 1 when
differences were detected.

This is from the nightly build version.

Suggested phrasing:

"Finally, Subversion expects that your program return an errorcode of 0
if your program did not detect any differences, or 1 if it did --?any
other errorcode is considered a fatal error."

Santeri Paavolainen
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