Another reason for repository migration

Jurgen Defurne jurgen.defurne at
Thu Sep 7 02:03:47 CDT 2006

There is another compelling case, which is not described in the book,
to do repository migration. This is to support multi-site development.

I work for a large company, and we use CM/Synergy. They have a somewhat
identical feature, called DCM, which makes it possible to export and 
projects and sources between multiple sites.

In this case we are talking about partitioned development for very large
software projects, where a whole lot of software is developed in modules,
which are then released and sent to the sites which depend upon them
for development of other modules. Those sites use the imported modules
only for their dependencies, normally they should not change them,
but they can submit patches on them, which should then be integrated
at their point of origin.


Jurgen Defurne

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