Project relocation update

C. Michael Pilato cmpilato at
Wed Oct 22 13:19:05 CDT 2008

Julian Foad wrote:
>> I'd like to make this cutover ASAP, beginning with the source code
>> repository.  Anybody object?  There's such a low activity level here, I
>> think it's fine for me to say right now:  "Change is coming.  I don't know
>> when, but one day you're going to wake up and not be able to commit to the
>> red-bean repository.  Deal with it."  :-)
> Yep, that's fine with me.

Well, I just realized that Google Code hasn't yet upgraded to Subversion
1.5, which means no merge tracking and a possible munging of the merge
tracking we already have.  I see that the German translation team is doing
merges, so I might be deferring the source code portion of this migration
until after Google Code upgrade their Subversion support.  :-(

This doesn't prevent us from using the Google Code tracker and wiki pages,

C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato at> |

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