[svnbook] r4033 committed - Finish issue #57 ("ch09: "svn switch --relocate" reference needs...

svnbook at googlecode.com svnbook at googlecode.com
Wed Aug 24 15:30:52 CDT 2011

Revision: 4033
Author:   cmpilato at gmail.com
Date:     Wed Aug 24 13:29:44 2011
Log:      Finish issue #57 ("ch09: "svn switch --relocate" reference needs

* en/book/ch03-advanced-topics.xml
   (svn.advanced.externals): Refer to the use of 'svn relocate' rather
     than 'svn switch --relocate'.

* en/book/ch04-branching-and-merging.xml
   (svn.branchmerge.switchwc): Refer to the use of 'svn relocate'
     rather than 'svn switch --relocate'.

* en/book/ch05-repository-admin.xml
   (svn.reposadmin.maint.replication.wrapup): Refer to the use of 'svn
     relocate' rather than 'svn switch --relocate'.

* en/book/ch09-reference.xml
   (svn.ref.svn.sw, svn.ref.svn.c.switch): Note that --relocate is
     deprecated, and point to 'svn relocate'.
   (svn.ref.svn.c.relocate): New section.



--- /trunk/en/book/ch03-advanced-topics.xml	Wed Aug 24 08:53:12 2011
+++ /trunk/en/book/ch03-advanced-topics.xml	Wed Aug 24 13:29:44 2011
@@ -3670,8 +3670,8 @@
        be checking out via <literal>http://</literal> because his
        client doesn't support <literal>https://</literal> will be
        unable to fetch the external items.  Be aware, too, that if you
-      need to reparent your working copy (using <command>svn  
-      with the <option>--relocate</option> option), externals definitions  
+      need to reparent your working copy (using <command>svn
+      relocate</command>), externals definitions will
        <emphasis>not</emphasis> also be reparented.</para>

     <para>Subversion 1.5 takes a huge step in relieving these
--- /trunk/en/book/ch04-branching-and-merging.xml	Mon Aug 15 12:33:48 2011
+++ /trunk/en/book/ch04-branching-and-merging.xml	Wed Aug 24 13:29:44 2011
@@ -2450,14 +2450,11 @@
        repositories aren't yet able to communicate with one another;
        that feature is planned for the
        future.<footnote><para>You <emphasis>can</emphasis>, however,
-      use <command>svn switch</command> with
-      the <option>--relocate</option> option if the URL of your server
+      use <command>svn relocate</command> if the URL of your server
        changes and you don't want to abandon an existing working copy.
-      See <xref linkend="svn.ref.svn.c.switch"/> for more information
+      See <xref linkend="svn.ref.svn.c.relocate"/> for more information
        and an example.</para></footnote></para>

-    <!-- ### TODO: Recommend 'svn relocate' in 1.7 -->
        <title>Switches and Updates</title>

--- /trunk/en/book/ch05-repository-admin.xml	Thu Aug 18 14:16:26 2011
+++ /trunk/en/book/ch05-repository-admin.xml	Wed Aug 24 13:29:44 2011
@@ -3153,11 +3153,10 @@
            this chapter for more about this.</para>

          <para>Once the two repositories have the same UUID, you can use
-          <command>svn switch</command> with
-          the <option>--relocate</option> option to point your working
+          <command>svn relocate</command> to point your working
            copy to whichever of the repositories you wish to operate
            against, a process that is described in
-          <xref linkend="svn.ref.svn.c.switch" />.  There is a
+          <xref linkend="svn.ref.svn.c.relocate" />.  There is a
            possible danger here, though, in that if the primary and
            mirror repositories aren't in close synchronization, a
            working copy up to date with, and pointing to, the primary
--- /trunk/en/book/ch09-reference.xml	Wed Aug 24 08:53:12 2011
+++ /trunk/en/book/ch09-reference.xml	Wed Aug 24 13:29:44 2011
@@ -570,15 +570,15 @@

            <term><option>--relocate</option> <replaceable>FROM TO
-          [PATH...]</replaceable></term>
+            [PATH...]</replaceable></term>
-            <para>Used with the <command>svn switch</command>
-              subcommand, changes the location of the repository that
-              your working copy references.  This is useful if the
-              location of your repository changes and you have an
-              existing working copy that you'd like to continue to
-              use.  See <xref linkend="svn.ref.svn.c.switch"/> for
-              more details and an example.</para>
+            <para>Deprecated.  When used with the <command>svn
+              switch</command> subcommand, changes the location of the
+              repository that your working copy references.  The
+              preferred approach as of Subversion 1.7, however, is to
+              use the <command>svn relocate</command> subcommand.  See
+              <xref linkend="svn.ref.svn.c.relocate" /> for more
+              details and an example.</para>

@@ -4168,6 +4168,248 @@
                hook scripts.</para>

+        </refsect1>
+      </refentry>
+      <!-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  
+      <refentry id="svn.ref.svn.c.relocate">
+        <indexterm>
+          <primary>svn</primary>
+          <secondary>subcommands</secondary>
+          <tertiary>relocate</tertiary>
+        </indexterm>
+        <refnamediv>
+          <refname>svn relocate</refname>
+          <refpurpose>Relocate the working copy to point to a
+            different repository root URL.</refpurpose>
+        </refnamediv>
+        <refsect1>
+          <title>Synopsis</title>
+          <para><literal>svn relocate FROM-PREFIX TO-PREFIX  
+          <para><literal>svn relocate TO-URL [PATH]</literal></para>
+        </refsect1>
+        <refsect1>
+          <title>Description</title>
+          <para>Sometimes an administrator might change the location
+            (or apparent location, from the client's perspective) of a
+            repository.  The content of the repository doesn't change,
+            but the repository's root URL does.  The hostname may
+            change because the repository is now being served from a
+            different computer.  Or, perhaps the URL scheme changes
+            because the repository is now being served via SSL
+            (using <literal>https://</literal>) instead of over plain
+            HTTP.  There are many different reasons for these types of
+            repository relocations.  But ideally, a <quote>change of
+            address</quote> for a repository shouldn't suddently cause
+            all the working copies which point to that repository to
+            become forever unusable.  And fortunately, that's not the
+            case.  Rather than force users to check out a new working
+            copy when a repository is relocated, Subversion provides
+            the <command>svn relocate</command> command, which
+            <quote>rewrites</quote> the working copy's administrative
+            metadata to refer to the new repository location.</para>
+          <para>The first <command>svn relocate</command> syntax
+            allows you to update one or more working copies by what
+            essentially amounts to a find-and-replace within the
+            repository root URLs recorded in those working copies.
+            Subversion will replace the initial substring
+            <replaceable>FROM-PREFIX</replaceable> with the
+            string <replaceable>TO-PREFIX</replaceable> in those URLs.
+            These initial URL substrings can be as long or as short as
+            is necessary to differentiate between them.  Obviously, to
+            use this syntax form, you need to know both the current
+            root URL of the repository to which the working copy is
+            pointing, and the new URL of that repository.
+            (You can use <command>svn info</command> to determine
+            the former.)</para>
+          <para>The second syntax does not require that you know the
+            current repository root URL with which the working copy is
+            associated at all—only the new repository URL
+            (<replaceable>TO-URL</replaceable>) to which it should be
+            pointing.  In this syntax form, only one working copy may
+            be relocated at a time.</para>
+          <warning>
+            <para>Users often get confused about the difference
+              between <command>svn switch</command> and <command>svn
+              relocate</command>.  Here's the rule of thumb:</para>
+            <itemizedlist>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>If the working copy needs to reflect a new
+                  directory <emphasis>within</emphasis> the
+                  repository, use <command>svn
+                  switch</command>.</para>
+              </listitem>
+              <listitem>
+                <para>If the working copy still reflects the
+                  same repository directory, but the location of the
+                  repository itself has changed, use <command>svn
+                  relocate</command>.</para>
+              </listitem>
+            </itemizedlist>
+          </warning>
+        </refsect1>
+        <refsect1>
+          <title>Options</title>
+          <informalexample>
+            <screen>
+          </informalexample>
+        </refsect1>
+        <refsect1>
+          <title>Examples</title>
+          <para>Let's start with a working copy that reflects a local
+            repository URL:</para>
+          <informalexample>
+            <screen>
+$ svn info | grep URL:
+URL: file:///var/svn/repos/trunk
+          </informalexample>
+          <para>One day the administrator decides to rename the
+            on-disk repository directory.  We missed the memo, so we
+            see an error the next time we try to update our working
+            copy.</para>
+          <informalexample>
+            <screen>
+$ svn up
+Updating '.':
+svn: E180001: Unable to connect to a repository at  
URL 'file:///var/svn/repos/trunk'
+          </informalexample>
+          <para>After cornering the administrator over by the vending
+            machines, we learn about the repository being moved and
+            are told the new URL.  Rather than checkout a new working
+            copy, though, we simply ask Subversion to rewrite the
+            working copy metadata to point to the new repository
+            location.</para>
+          <informalexample>
+            <screen>
+$ svn relocate file:///var/svn/new-repos/trunk
+          </informalexample>
+          <para>Subversion doesn't tell us much about what it did, but
+            hey—error-free operation is really all we need,
+            right?  Our working copy is functional for online
+            operations again.</para>
+          <informalexample>
+            <screen>
+$ svn up
+Updating '.':
+A    lib/new.c
+M    src/code.h
+M    src/headers.h
+          </informalexample>
+          <note>
+            <para>Once again, this type of relocation
+              affects <emphasis>working copy metadata only</emphasis>.
+              It will not change your versioned or unversioned file
+              contents, perform any version control operations (such
+              as commits or updates), and so on.</para>
+          </note>
+          <para>A few months later, we're told that the company is
+            moving development to separate machines and that we'll be
+            using HTTP to access the repository.  So we relocate our
+            working copy again.</para>
+          <informalexample>
+            <screen>
+$ svn relocate http://svn.company.com/repos/trunk
+          </informalexample>
+          <para>Now, each time we perform a relocation of this sort,
+            Subversion contacts the repository—at its new URL,
+            of course—to verify a few things.</para>
+          <para>First, it wants to compare the UUID of the repository
+            against what is stored in the working copy.  If these UUIDs
+            don't match, the working copy relocation is disallowed.
+            Maybe this isn't the same repository (just in a new
+            location) after all?</para>
+          <para>Secondly, Subversion wants to ensure that the updated
+            working copy metadata jives with respect to the directory
+            location <emphasis>inside</emphasis> the repository.
+            Subversion won't let you accidentally relocate a working
+            copy of a branch in your repository to the URL of a
+            different branch in the same repository.  (That's
+            what <command>svn switch</command>, described in
+            <xref linkend="svn.ref.svn.c.switch" />, is for.)</para>
+          <para>Also, Subversion will not allow you to relocate a
+            subtree of the working copy.  If you're going to relocate
+            the working copy at all, you must relocate the whole
+            thing.  This is to protect the integrity of the working
+            copy metadata and behavior as a whole.  (And really, you'd
+            be hard pressed to come up with a compelling reason to
+            relocate only a piece of your working copy anyway.)</para>
+          <para>Let's look at one final relocation opportunity.  After
+            using HTTP access for some time, the company moves to
+            SSL-only access.  Now, the only change to the repository
+            URL is that the scheme goes from
+            being <literal>http://</literal> to
+            being <literal>https://</literal>.  There are two
+            different ways that we could make our working copy reflect
+            ths change.  The first is to do exactly as we've done
+            before and relocate to the new repository URL.</para>
+          <informalexample>
+            <screen>
+$ svn relocate http://svn.company.com/repos/trunk
+          </informalexample>
+          <para>But we have another option here, too.  We could simply
+            ask Subversion to swap out the changed prefixes of the
+            URL.</para>
+          <informalexample>
+            <screen>
+$ svn relocate http https
+          </informalexample>
+          <para>Either approach leaves us a working copy whose
+            metadata has been updated to point to the right repository
+            location.</para>
+          <para>By default, <command>svn relocate</command> will
+            traverse any external working copies nested within your
+            working copy and attempt relocation of those working
+            copies, too.  Use the <option>--ignore-externals</option>
+            option to disable this behavior.</para>

@@ -4979,10 +5221,7 @@
            <para><literal>svn switch URL[@PEGREV] [PATH]</literal></para>
            <para><literal>switch --relocate FROM TO  
@@ -5019,13 +5258,10 @@
              <quote>sticky</quote> working copy depth on the switch

-          <para>The <option>--relocate</option> option causes
-            <command>svn switch</command> to do something different:
-            it updates your working copy to point to <emphasis>the
-            same</emphasis> repository directory, only at a different
-            URL (typically because an administrator has moved the
-            repository to another server, or to another URL on the
-            same server).</para>
+          <para>The <option>--relocate</option> option is deprecated
+            as of Subversion 1.7.  Use <command>svn relocate</command>
+            (described in <xref linkend="svn.ref.svn.c.relocate" />)
+            to perform working copy relocation instead.</para>


@@ -5087,70 +5323,6 @@

-          <para>Sometimes an administrator might change the location
-            (or apparent location) of your repository—in other
-            words, the content of the repository doesn't change, but
-            the repository's root URL does.  For example, the hostname
-            may change, the URL scheme may change, or any part of the
-            URL that leads to the repository itself may change.
-            Rather than check out a new working copy, you can have the
-            <command>svn switch</command> command
-            <quote>rewrite</quote> your working copy's administrative
-            metadata to refer to the new repository location.  If you
-            use the <option>--relocate</option> option to <command>svn
-            switch</command>, Subversion will contact the repository
-            to validate the relocation request (looking for the
-            repository at the new URL, of course), and then do this
-            metadata rewriting.  No file contents will be changed as
-            the result of this type of switch operation—this is
-            a metadata-only modification to the working copy.</para>
-          <informalexample>
-            <screen>
-$ svn checkout file:///var/svn/repos test
-A    test/a
-A    test/b
-$ mv /var/svn/repos /var/svn/newlocation
-$ svn update test/
-Updating 'test':
-svn: Unable to open an ra_local session to URL
-svn: Unable to open repository 'file:///var/svn/repos'
-$ svn switch --relocate file:///var/svn/repos \
-                        file:///var/svn/tmp/newlocation test/
-$ svn update test/
-Updating 'test':
-At revision 3.
-          </informalexample>
-          <warning>
-            <para>Be careful when using the
-            <option>--relocate</option> option.  If you mistype the
-            argument, you might end up creating nonsensical URLs
-            within your working copy that render the whole workspace
-            unusable and tricky to fix.  It's also important to
-            understand exactly when one should or shouldn't use
-            <option>--relocate</option>.  Here's the rule of
-            thumb:</para>
-            <itemizedlist>
-              <listitem><para>If the working copy needs to reflect a
-                  new directory <emphasis>within</emphasis> the
-                  repository, use just <command>svn
-                  switch</command>.</para></listitem>
-              <listitem><para>If the working copy still reflects the
-                  same repository directory, but the location of the
-                  repository itself has changed, use <command>svn
-                  switch</command> with the <option>--relocate</option>  
-            </itemizedlist>
-          </warning>

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