Arthur de Jong <> (adejong)

r879919, r874955, r870448, r864572, r862099, r859377, r859118

r859118 | adejong | 2006-03-27 20:19:03 +0000 (Mon, 27 Mar 2006)

Import release 0.6 of svn2cl, a tool for generating a classic
GNU-style ChangeLog from a subversion repository log. More information
about svn2cl can be found at

[in contrib/client-side/svn2cl]

* This is the main shell script that acts as a wrapper
  around the xlst files (calling xsltproc) exporting the options.

* svn2cl.xsl: This XSLT script is used to transform output of
  svn log --xml to a classic GNU-style ChangeLog.

* svn2html.xsl: This XSLT script transforms svn log output to a nice
  looking HTML page.

r859377 | adejong | 2006-04-10 21:39:45 +0000 (Mon, 10 Apr 2006)

Import release 0.7 of svn2cl. This version includes performance
enhancements, a couple of new options, auto-detection of repository
working directory (when using svn>=1.3.0) and some general

[in contrib/client-side/svn2cl]

* The command line options --separate-daylogs and
  --reparagraph were added.  svn info is now used to get the path to
  strip from svn log and support detecting and reading colon separated
  authors files was added.

* svn2html.xsl: Performance improvements were made by only doing
  author/date comparisons if --group-by-day was specified.  The
  revision numbers are now linkable.

* svn2html.css: Small layout improvements were made.

* svn2cl.1: The new options and features were documented.

* svn2cl.xsl: Performance improvements were made by only doing
  author/date comparisons if --group-by-day was specified.  The author
  lookup code was tuned a bit and the new command-line options were

r862099 | adejong | 2006-10-18 22:03:55 +0000 (Wed, 18 Oct 2006)

Import release 0.8 of svn2cl. This version includes a number of bug
fixes in wrapping, working repository detection and other problems. It
adds couple of new options, mainly for formatting the generated html
and to set line spacing of text version.

[in contrib/client-side/svn2cl]

* Detection of working repository was made more consistent
  with running the svn log command. Additions of options --title and
  --revision-link. Modification of option --break-before-msg. Some
  fixes for repository names or directory names with spaces in them.

* svn2html.xsl: Additions and modifications of the options as
  described with Change of DOCTYPE declaration to support
  more XSLT processors. Wrapping fixes.

* svn2cl.xsl: Additions and modifications of the options as described
  with Authors file content is now copied in instead as
  flattened to a string first (this allows inserting html from the
  authors file).

* authors.xml: Demonstration of including html in authors file.

* svn2cl.1: The new options and features were documented. The
  information on authors files was split into a separate section.

* README: Added section on running svn2cl from ant. Pointer to
  VBScript port of the wrapper shell script.

r864572 | adejong | 2007-04-08 13:18:27 +0000 (Sun, 08 Apr 2007)

Import release 0.9 of svn2cl. This version includes a modification to
the --strip-prefix option as well as a new --ignore-message-starting

[in contrib/client-side/svn2cl]

*, svn2cl.1: Addition of --ignore-message-starting option.

* svn2cl.xsl: Add handling of --ignore-message-starting option and
  remove paths that do not start with --strip-prefix, if specified.

* svn2html.xsl: Modifications necessary to ignore log messages
  starting with a specific string (for --ignore-message-starting

r870448 | adejong | 2008-04-06 14:12:46 +0000 (Sun, 06 Apr 2008)

Import release 0.10 of svn2cl. This version includes some small
modifications to make the template be supported in more XSLT
processors and adds a new --include-actions option.

[in contrib/client-side/svn2cl]

*, svn2cl.1, svn2cl.xsl: Addition of --include-actions

* svn2cl.xsl, svn2html.xsl: Fix entity reference to newline character.

* svn2cl.1: Add a not about the default revision range of 'svn log'.

r874955 | adejong | 2008-12-21 15:47:16 +0000 (Sun, 21 Dec 2008)

Import release 0.11 of svn2cl. This version includes some small
portability improvements to the wrapper shell script.

[in contrib/client-side/svn2cl]

* fix for OpenBSD's ksh by Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belon and
  don't use GNU awk extensions

r879919 | adejong | 2009-10-07 20:54:45 +0000 (Wed, 07 Oct 2009)

Import release 0.12 of svn2cl.  This version includes a bugfix that
surfaced due to an update in Gnome's libxml.

[in contrib/client-side/svn2cl]

* Run the svn info command with with --non-interactive and
  don't hide errors.

* svn2cl.xsl, svn2html.xsl: Fix line wrapping problem thanks to Peter
  Samuelson, Mike Hommey and others.

* svn2cl.xsl, svn2html.xsl: Fix a problem when --group-by-day and
  --ignore-message-starting were used.

* svn2html.xsl: Perform very basic URL highlighting.

* svn2cl.xsl: Fixes and simplifications for path stripping.

* svn2cl.xsl: Correctly flag file additions.