French translation

C. Michael Pilato cmpilato at
Mon Oct 5 08:47:28 CDT 2009

Svf wrote:
> C. Michael Pilato wrote:
>>> Now, we'd like to move this to Docbook format and make it available in
>>> html and pdf, along with the other translations, from the subversion
>>> book website, if that's possible.
>>> Could there be a fr folder created in the google code repository ?
>> Absolutely!
>>> What are the requirements to get write permission to it ?
>> Reply to this message with the GoogleCode usernames you'd like added as
>> project members.  I or someone else should be able to take care of that.
> For now, please add my own gmail username (SubVersif999) as project member.

Done.  Please add yourself to a new FRENCH TRANSLATION section of the
trunk/COMMITTERS file (just below the JAPANESE grouping, please).  This will
serve as verification that you have commit privileges.

C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato at> |

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