R: Suggestion on formatting a list in HTML

Célio Cidral Junior ccidral.newsbox at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 08:49:34 CDT 2006

2006/7/5, C. Michael Pilato <cmpilato at red-bean.com>:
> So, it occurs to me that translating all the text in the table to English is
> going to be a headache.  I think as long as the table headers and the
> section names have title="" stuffs, that's cool.  Here's a patch to you
> index.pt_BR.html file that shows what I was talking about in my suggestion.
>  Use it if you wish, but don't feel compelled to do so.
> Note that you populate the table in the say way as your patch allows, but
> I've added classes for status states ("bad", "medium", and "good").

I think the two status columns look better if their contents are
center-aligned, so I did it in the attached patch. I had to take the
left text alignment out from the column headers' stylesheet to make
them center-aligned by default. The problem is that the two first
column headers are now center-aligned, though the two first columns
are left-aligned. I didn't find a clean way to fix this with CSS.

I will commit it, unless somebody has more suggestions — which are welcome.  :-)

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